Nature VS Nurture? This may surprise you. Your creativity and ability are like anything else in this world ie: a sport, music, writing, driving, cooking… and yeah even the things we don’t want to do like cleaning :-/ If you want to get better at it (or not lol) – no matter what – the more you practice the better you will become.
It is inevitable. Now this flies in the face of so many people out there who were programmed into thinking that their creativity, or lack of, is some sort of Divine Gift and that they weren’t born with it. UGH!!! So often they equate their lack of Ability (I can’t draw!) with a lifetime sentence of “Not a Creative” that has been tattooed all throughout the inner workings of their brain and central nervous system. This is just NOT the truth. Time to De-program... I’m bringing out the big guns…
Ok ok Picasso most probably never even actually said it; however, I found it on wikiquote. A similar and interesting (verified) quote that I stumbled upon:
“The Creative adult is the child who has survived” -Ursula K. Le Guin And… I kind of love that Banksy considers it important enough to use in his art-
The child who survived? Yes “Virginia”– that child is in there. Right there inside you at this very second, she was always there. She is the one who asks the “but what if’s” and if nurtured the one who will propel your creative self with the energy needed to make huge breakthroughs… She is also the one who gets attacked and chided by the Intellectually Mature Critics. The IMC’s for short.
Who are the IMC’s? Hmm well I can’t tell you who they were originally but I can tell you a little about them for sure. Their beliefs are archaic hand me downs, thoughts that were filtered through generations of some prehistoric leftover part of our brains. Dogmas. We are taught to believe them, we have grown up with them, and we see our families and friends believing them. We are surrounded! At some point in time they probably came in handy, but now no longer serve a purpose.
I have a great little story about a ham (yup! a ham) that is a good example of how dogmas get past on.
There once was this young lady who was preparing her first Easter feast for her family. She had just recently gotten married and was looking forward to taking on the new tradition and to use all her new cookware. Her whole family was invited, grandma’s too. Her Mom came early to give her a hand in the traditional groundworks. The first thing they needed to do was to prepare and get the ham in to cook. The Mom took charge and showed her exactly how to season and trim off the ends of the ham before baking. The young lady had grown up seeing it done this way… but decided to ask anyway…
“why do we trim off the ends of the ham?” The mother thought about it shrugged her shoulders and said “that’s the way grandma does it and it’s just the way we’ve always done it”. Later during dinner when they were just about to carve the beautiful ham the girl remembered to ask grandma “why do we cut the ends off of the ham before we cook it?”. The Grandma at first didn’t really understand the question but then smiled… “I’ve always had to cut the ends off of the ham because I never had a pan big enough to fit”.
So what should we do about them, those dang criticizing dogmas?! Recognize when they are speaking or speaking through somebody and that what they are saying is hurtful, not helpful, realize where it is coming from (prehistoric brain) and move on. Make a conscience effort to move on. Press on and get back to asking those “But what if’s?”. Conquer the critic. Nurture your creativity. Do art. DO A LOT OF ART.
THE GAP by Ira Glass from Daniel Sax on Vimeo.
Creative Talent = Desire + Courage + Practice
Some incredible words of wisdom from Joseph Campbell~ “We are having experiences all the time which may on occasion render some sense of this, a little intuition of where your bliss is. Grab it. No one can tell you what it is going to be. You have to learn to recognize your own depth.” “If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” Your Creativity, It’s there, I can guarantee it. I can also guarantee that cultivating your Creativity will become the most rewarding experience of your life. Be vulnerable. Be Courageous. Be Creative. Follow Your Bliss ~ Do Art. Feed your creative self with this yummy video. Watch all of this, ESPECIALLY at 1:09 on~ . Take this time for you...You deserve it!
With much Love and Respect.
Yours, Renee Compliment with this video – How to find your Bliss with Joseph Campbell
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All mothers are creative. Creative to the very core. On this special day remember and honor your creative self. Pay special homage to your creative mom and revel in all the beautiful creations surrounding us. |
October 2022
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